

Multi-Sensor Panorama

180/360 Degree Field-of-View Full Situational Immersive Surveillance, 96 Megapixel Max.(8*3000*4000)

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Panorama Technology

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Panorama Case Study

Seamless Situational Awareness

Multi-sensor camera can provide a more coherent scene than ordinary camera

Surveillance without Blind Spots

Achieve 180/360 degrees field-of-view monitoring, never miss any details

Ultral High Definition Image

Up to 96 megapixel ultra high resolution view, gain most pixels

Superior Stitching Algorithm

Real-time video stitching technology, instead of static scene stitching

Immersive View Experience

Put you in the middle of the scence itself,marvelous surveillance experience

Natural Color-tuning Image

Advanced synch. exposure technology elimnates light difference in gap


World-Class Panoramic IP Cameras Provider

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